Some text fields are preprocessed by the report generator to support additional functionality:

You can reduce or rearrange the options in that list in Site administration > Plugins > Data formats > Manage data formats.
Viewers also have the option to download the table data in various formats, namely CSV, XLSX, HTML, JSON, ODS, and PDF. Underneath the preview table, there is a Current query option that shows the underlying SQL query that is generated based on the configuration of your report: The accordion sidebar can be shown/hidden via the settings sidebar toggle. Settings sidebar (right): Lets you configure conditions, filters, sorting, and card view options.To grasp a view of what the report will look like to users, select the Preview toggle. Column headings and aggregation methods can be edited inline. Preview window (middle): Shows the data according to the current report configuration.The sidebar can be shown/hidden via the data field sidebar toggle next to the report name. Columns sidebar (left): Shows the list of available data fields grouped by entities, including a live search option.The interface of the report builder is divided into three panels: Once you have created the report, you will be redirected to the actual report builder. Course reset for individual user: Course resetting data during recertification.Users list: Users and their job assignments.Certificate issues: Issued certificates to users.Certificate templates: Available certificate templates.Course enrolments: Course details, user enrolments, and course completion.Course participants: Course completion report.Course completion from datastore: Data in Workplace datastore.Programs users allocation and completion: Program details, including users’ progress information.Certification users allocation and completion: Certification details, including users’ progress information.

Based on the selected report source, a certain amount of data will be available, which can be reduced by the following mechanisms: A record source contains a predefined set of fields that are available when building a report. Workplace offers a range of report sources to simplify the usage of the report builder.